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Bonjours, c'est pour jeudi, est-ce que quelqu'un pourrais m'aider pour faire cette exercices en Anglais ??

il faut que je met se texte à la 3eme personne du singulier :

I was only 17 and I came out here to marry the son of my father's business partner. All I knew about him was that his name was Henry and he was to meet me1 at the train station. He'd sent me a new yellow dress, so I'd stand out and told me to wear it the day I arrived so he'd know me. On the way back from the station, Henry wants to take a ride around the property, show off his land. "Our land," he said. After a while, the horse pulling the buggy starts getting antsy. I look up and see this strange cloud. Black with green around the edges. Henry says, "Looks like we got a bit of rain coming." Next thing I knew, the cloud was gone. Just vanished. Now the horse starts to rear in the traces. Henry helps me out of the wagon when I hear a rumble. I turn around and see a six-foot wall of water coming right at us. Henry, the horse, the buggy they all got washed away right in front of me. I almost did, too, but my new yellow dress got hung up on some mesquite. Saved my life. I wandered off for eight days in the wrong direction before I was found.

Sagot :

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