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Bonjour il faut écrire la partie 3 en anglais merci
Prontation of the the shots The three documents under study all deal with the lasse of science and genetic changes in human beings. Doc 1 is an extract from leuve New World, written by Aldos Huxley and published in 1932. Doc 2 is an extract from Welcome to Canaca, directed h Andrew Niccol, and released in 1994. Doc 3 is composed of elements frm the American website called The Fertility Institute. Key question and plan in three.parts After studying these three documents, we may wonder to what extent these scientific advances which result in changes in human beings-are a boon or a base for society? In our first part, we will analyse how these scientific changes are implemented. This will lead us to analyse, in a second part, the question of social inequalities and discriminations these changes entail. Finally, in a third part, we will analyse the moral and ethical questions linked to these scientific "progress". Body First part The three documents portray the way science has revolutionized the way babies are born. In Welcome to Gattaca, Andrew Niccol portrays a world where embryos of parents-to Huxley's Brave New World also deals with this theme, nearly a century before our time: in lus be are selected so they can give birth to babies that are free from all kinds of defects. Aldous novel, he portrays a world where the creation of babies has been perfected. However, unlike Andrew Niccol's movie where babies are born individually with the best characteristics, Brave New World portrays a world where babies are cloned and manufactured in mass in order to serve an elite society: the creation of babies is compared to the mass production of products. Instead of giving birth to one baby, cloning allows the creation of 8 to 96 babies. While all of these advances and changes are portrayed in works of fiction, the website The Fertility Institute shows that these changes are now made possible, as, in the 21st century. people can pay a hefty sum of money to have their genes selected to create the most perfect babies: they can choose the gender and eye colour of their future child, who is also free from any genetic diseases. All of this leads us to wonder whether these scientific advances will not, in fact, create a society based on social inequalities linked to money and perfect genes. Second part Indeed, if babies can be made to be as perfect as possible, this begs the question: who will profit from these advances? In all three documents, we notice that the creation of perfect babies leads to an elite society, and by extension, leads to the discrimination of those considered as inferior. In Brave New World, the purpose is clear: the DHC speaks in laudatory terms of the manufacturing and cloning of babies: he argues that social stability can be achieved by creating a caste system where the lesser beings, the Alphas, the Gammas and the Epsilons serve an elite: they work in factories and help maintain a capitalistic society where the aim is to make as much profit as possible for the ruling class. In Doc 2, Vincent Anton and Anton, two brothers born to the same parents, do not enjoy the same rights: the latter is refused entry to a school as he is physically unfit - indeed, as soon as he is born, his date of death is known, as well as his future diseases he grows up less is then his orolige fes the inovic, this is exemplified by his physical aspect. Vincent Anton, though older, his brother, who is his father's favourite. In other words, people with genetic diseases iterally become outcast they are part of no caste system, and they are unfit for society. Finally, Due 3 shows that having money may be determinative in creating perfect babies. As a result, we se that this may lead to discrimination in the future. Not only does the website use a language pertaining to merchandising (sales", "huy the Gender Selection programme, get the Eye Selection option free"), but the prohibitive costs (gender selection costs 50,000 dollars/Eve selection: 50,000 dollars) also leads one to understand that such programmes can only be afforded by very wealthy people. This will lead us to analyse, in our last part, the moral and ethical issues linked to the creation of these "designer babies".

Based on the first and second part, write the third part. Marked assignment

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