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1 can draw, paint, sing anc very well 3 loves sports 5 doesn't like when there are a lot of people 7 breaks (=casser) a lot of things 9 doesn't like working at all 11 can find nothing (trouve rien) in his/her room 14 knows a lot of things 16 always helps the others (les autres) 2 always forgets his/her homework 4 talks a little 6 always speaks and makes noise(-bruit) 8 like speaking with people 10 loves working 12 the contrary of 11 13 talks a lot 15 always wears fashionable clothes 17 never happy

les mots qu'il faux placer avec les définitions sont juste en dessous

sociable, outgoing/helpful/absent-minded/shy/stylish/hardworking/talkative / grumpy, in a bad mood/artistic / quiet / tidy / sporty/lazy/ messy / noisy / clumsy/ intelligent, clever

j'espère que vous pourrez m'aider c'est pour demain svp ​