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Sagot :
Patriot Day is not a federal holiday, which means that people still go working on September 11th.
Yet, many ceremonies are held across the country to celebrate the heroes of that day and mourn the victims.
To pay tribute to the victims of the attacks, on Patriot Day, the Old Glory or Stars and Stripes is flown at half staff on every official building across the country including the White House
A minute of silence is also observed at 8 : 46 a.m.
It corresponds to the time when the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Day Center on September 11th, 2001.
On September11th, 2001, four terrorist attacks targeted important American buildings.
On the morning of Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, four planes were hijacked by the Islamic terrorist group Al Qaeda. The group planned on flying them into important building. Two of the planes reached their targets: the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed into a field instead of destroying the White House.
In total, about 3,000 people died (j'ai trouvé 2, 977) and 6,000 were injured in these attacks.
J'imagine que tu as un doc.... Vérifie pour les chiffres de victimes. dans le texte il est marqué "about = à peu près", donc j'ai arrondi le chiffre que j'ai trouvé plusieurs fois de 2,977 à 3,000. Et pour les blessés, pas sûr non plus à 100%
Bonne journée☺☺☺
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