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« Achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls
and boys. It is everyone responsability. » Ban Ki-moon

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Learnings from Scandinavia on How Shared Parental Leave Can Encourage Gender Equality.
Why is shared parental leave important? It promotes gender equality, reduces the impact that leave may have on the mother's career and enables fathers to play a more prominent role in the early part of their child's life.
In the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) report, Who takes care of the children?, it states that one of the goals of the shared parental leave policy is to encourage gender equality in the labour market.
Norway’s original rationale was also to promote gender equality by encouraging more women to return to the labour force.

Shared parental leave in Scandinavia
In Sweden, parents are entitled to share 480 days paid parental leave per child. Each parent can transfer part of their leave to the other parent if they wish. Ninety days are, however, reserved for each parent.

The Daddy quota
In Norway and Sweden, there is a so-called "daddy quota", which is a part of the parental leave period exclusively reserved for fathers. If the father doesn’t take his allotted period of leave, the family loses it. Thanks to this daddy quota, nine of 10 Swedish fathers now take leave.

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