vous aide à trouver des réponses à toutes vos questions grâce à une communauté d'experts passionnés. Explorez des solutions complètes à vos questions grâce à une large gamme de professionnels sur notre plateforme conviviale. Rejoignez notre plateforme de questions-réponses pour vous connecter avec des experts dédiés à fournir des réponses précises à vos questions dans divers domaines.

Maze Reading
xotic: unusual
person worki
Yes, the dev
by eliminat
to repla
rsonal resp
s soil erosi
cutting +
remain r
trees, the
dairy-diary) or
A blog, also known (is-as-if) a weblog, is a website that is like a ( daily-
Most people can create a blog and then write (in-with-on) that blog. Bloggers (a word for people.
who write on blogs) often write about their opinions and thoughts. A blog (contains- containing-
container) video material is called a video blog or video log, usually (short-shortened- shorter) to
When a person writes on a blog, what they write is in the form of a (past- burst-post), which is a
single piece of writing on the blog. Posts often include links to (another-other- others) websites.
hd w
Blogs can have one or more
If they have more than one writer, they are often called
(community-commonality-commonly) blogs, team blogs, or group blogs because the thoughts (are
made-made- make) by more than one person.
Future technology and healthcare
The future of healthcare is shaping up in front of our very eyes with advances in digital healthcare
technologies, such as (artificial- beneficial-artistic) intelligence, VR/AR, 3D-printing, robotics or
nanotechnology. We have to (organize- realize-familiarize) with the latest developments in order to
be able to control technology
Are you afraid that robots will take (after-into- over) the jobs of nurses, doctors and other
healthcare professionals? Are you scared that artificial intelligence will (control-roll- seem)the
world within a couple of years? But no matter how scary the future might seem at the moment, we
cannot stop technological development.
I honestly believe that this is the only way forward. Technology can only (paid-said-aid )and
improve our lives. In medicine and healthcare, digital technology could help (transform- platform-
form) unsustainable healthcare systems into sustainable ones,, provide cheaper, faster and more
effective solutions for diseases - technologies could win the battle for us (again- towards-against)
cancer, AIDS. Also, VR is being used to train future (pigeons- futurologists- surgeons )and for actual
surgeons to practice operations.

Sagot :

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