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ilsmith harpened Nail 250 hannelled Nall 800+1 Coiled Nail 2000+2 ure Nail 4000+3 Shape of Unn cant Village errah e Beast O Lake of Unn Great Slash U paziston Steam Id: Talalone. TOO Half of Kingsoul dmaster DLC Complete the Pantheon of the Master. Complete the Pantheon of the Artist. Complete the Pantheon of the Sage. Hornet Protector= Complete the Pantheon of the Knight. BM Mothwing Cloak Traitor Lord Marmu Tram-Pass Vessel Fragment Cyclone Slash @ne Vessel Fragment QUEEN'S GARDENS Howling Wraiths Failed Tramway Galien GorbLING CLIFFS Weaversong Nightmare Joni's Blessing Lantern Baldur Shell Thorns of Agony FOG CANYON Joni's Repose Love Key* DEEPNEST The Grimm Troupe DLC Defeat Troupe Leader Grimm. Grimmchild OR Carefree Melody Banish the Grimm Troupe from Hallownest. GREENPATH 10.0 King's Pass Fury of the Fallen □ Defeat the Nightmare OR (King and complete the Ritual No Eyes n Uumuu Mask Shard Monomon the Teacher cen's Station Sanctuary Mask Shard Spore Shroom @ OFA Nosk Pale Ore*I Mask Shard 29 Mantis Claw All You Need for a 112% Run DIRTMOUTH OOAD Sharp Shadow ↑ conn Mask Shard Lin Bretta's house Brooding Mawlek Vengeful Spirit Glowing Womb Mask-Shard U Mantis Lords Vessel Fragment Soul Catcher Mantis Village. Mark of Pride Monarch Wings Dashmaster Mask Shard. Vessel Fragment FUNGAL WASTES False Knight Bretta Godtuner Mask Shard Junk Pit Broken Vessel Simple-Key Colosseum of Fools Complete the Trial of the Warrior Entry fee: 100 Complete the Trial of the Fool Entry fee: 800 O Complete the Trial of the Conqueror Entry fee: $450 Reward: Elder Hu CRYSTAL PEAK Deep Focus w FORGOTTEN CROSSROADS CITY OF TEARS Simple Key Ⓒ Flukenest Pale Ore* www FET Gruz Mother. amo n ROYAL WATERWAYS Abyss Shriek ANCIENT BASIN Shopkeeper's Key man Soul Master Spell Twister 0 Desolate Dive Shade Soul (2) Lifeblood Core run Mask Shard- □ D Vessel Fragment, after dropping in the fountain The Abyss Blue Lake RESTING GROUNEXero Pale Orellownest's Crown (C) Lurien the Watcher Defender's Dung Defender Watcher's Spire Watcher-Knights casure House 13 Half of Kingsoul Descending Dark 7 J 3000 honon Palace Grounds Dreamshield Crystal Heart Dreamers encounter n Seer Kingation Dream Nall 0 Pale Ore 300 Dream Wielder 500 Vessel Fragment 700 Mask Shard 1500 Isma's Tear Isma's Grove Awoken Dream Nail 1800 Ascension 2400 Spirits' Glade AAA Vessel Fragment AA AAA Mask Shard Delicate Flower Tower of Love L00 The Collector இப Iselda Soul Eater Shade Cloak Wayward Compass 220 Leg Eater Colosseum of Fools Fragile Heart 350/280 (0) Fragile Greed 250/200 (8) Fragile Strength 600/480(0) Grubfather Sly Mask Shard S Grubsong 10 Pale Ore* 31 Grubberfly's Elegy 46 Mask Shard THE HIVE /Simple Key* KINGDOM'S ED /u/Baziston Steam id: Tziglone Salubra Hive Knight Hiveblood Shaman Stone 220 Steady Body 120 Longnail $300 Quick Focus 800 Lifeblood Heart 250 Gathering Swar 300 Legend Stalwart Shell 200 2x Mask Shard 150, 500 Lumafly Lanter 1800 Vessel Fragmer 550 After bringing th shopkeeper's ke Heavy Blow 350 2x Mask Shard 800, 1500 Elegant Key* 800 Vessel Fragmer $900 Sprintmaster 400 Markoth Cast-Off After learning all 3 Nailmaster's Glory $0 Hornet-Sentine Shell King's Brand Vie Dash Slash Quick Slash Base game The Grimm Troupe DLC Lifeblood DLC Godmaster DLC a boss a warrior's dream not contributing to 112% but needed fo further progression​

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