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Bonjour je ne comprend mon exercice de anglais si quelqu’un pourrait m’aider ça serait super
Merci d’avance !!


The first underground railway in the world opened in London on January 10th, 1863 ! The Central line, one of the earliest lines, was also called the « Two- Penny Tube ». That nickname was soon given to the entire underground network. The most récent line is the Bakerloo line. It was opened in 1906. Today, the Tube is the longest underground system in the world. It has got 11 lines and about 400 km – 250 miles – of track, 45 % of which being tunnels. The deepest station is Hampstead, which is located 67.4 meters below street level. There are 270 Tube stations in London. The busiest station is King’s Cross Saint Pancras. Today, the Tube has got a paying system with credit cards that have got a funny name : « Oysters ».
In the Tube, people are like drivers : on the escalators, they stand on the right handside !
« Mind the gap » is the world-famous sentence that you can hear when your train stops at certain platforms.
The Tube has got a logo called the « roundel ». It is a red circle with a blus bar. Nowadays it comes in different colours... according to the colours of the lines. Have a look at the map of the Tube !


1. Find the French equivalent for :
Nickname = an Oyster = a network = deep =
busy =
a gap = Nowadays =
2. Find the superlative form of the adjectives nelow :
Early : the ... recent :
long :
deep :
busy :
Déduisez la règle : (rappel !)!

Bonjour Je Ne Comprend Mon Exercice De Anglais Si Quelquun Pourrait Maider Ça Serait Super Merci Davance TEXTE The First Underground Railway In The World Opened class=

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