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: Write "True" if the statement is correct and "False" if the statement is inco (2 points each) 1. If the limit does not exist, the improper integral is said to be convergent. Je 2. Interchanging the upper and lower limits of integration does not change the sign of the definite integral. e 3. Integration by substitution is the integral version of the chain rule. Je 4. The integral of the difference of a finite number of functions is the sum of the integrals of those functions. 5. Integration is very helpful in finding the integrals of functions that appear as the composite of two functions. 6. Any diagonal matrix is both upper and lower triangular. Se 7. A diagonal matrix in which all diagonal entries are equal is called a vector matrix. de 8. The inverses of matrices are useful to solve linear systems. 9. If an entire row or an entire column consists of zeros, then det (A) = 0. 10. The ranks of matrices are useful in determining the number of solutions for linear systems. 11. A polynomial of degree 4 is called a cubic function. 12. The domain of a polynomial function is always the set of real numbers. ve 13. A function is a relation in which each element of the domain corresponds to exactly one element of the range. 14. When two propositions are joined with the connective "implies" the proposition​

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