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Bonjour tout le monde ✨️ j'ai besoin d'aide pour cet exercice d'Anglais

A. Read. What do the verbs mean? Match them with the definitions a-h.

1. My sister and I are always" arguing " about who will do the washing-up.
2. Did Sam" mention " where he was going?
3. Mr Smith" explained" the rules of the game so everyone could play.
4. Be quiet ! Linda" yelled "at me.
5. We need to" discuss" the problem with Mark.
6. I spent all morning "chatting" with Jenny on the phone.
7. I'm going to "complain" to the manager about the service . it's horrible.
8. You shouldnt "gossip" about other people. lt's rude.

a. talk about sornething in order to Come to a decisioon
b. shout
c. say that you are not pleased with something
d. make somebody understand something about other people and their private lives
f.Speak about or refer to something without using many words informally, usually with a friend
h.speak angrily because you disagree

Sagot :



1 h /2 f /3 d/4 b /5 a /6 g /7 c /8 e



Réponse :

1. My sister and I are always" arguing " about who will do the washing-up.

→ h.speak angrily because you disagree​

( se disputer, "s'engueuler" )

2. Did Sam" mention " where he was going?

→ f.Speak about or refer to something without using many words

( dire, mentionner )

3. Mr. Smith" explained" the rules of the game so everyone could play.

→ d. make somebody understand something

( expliquer )

4. Be quiet! Linda" yelled "at me.

→ b. shout

( crier, hurler )

5. We need to" discuss" the problem with Mark.

→ a. talk about something in order to come to a decision

( discuter, débattre )

6. I spent all morning "chatting" with Jenny on the phone.

→ informally, usually with a friend

( bavarder..)

7. I'm going to "complain" to the manager about the service. it's horrible.

→ c. say that you are not pleased with something

( se plaindre )

8. You shouldn't "gossip" about other people. It's rude.

→ about other people and their private lives

( dire des ragots, des potins, des commérages...)

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