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Team A Education on the wild side in New Zealand
Westland High School
Outdoor Education
Survival Camp
Students participate in supervised overnight tramps in Westland National Park and in one of the
most beautiful rainforests in New Zealand. Students learn how to behave in a safer way during
outdoor activities. They also acquire the necessary skills to be prepared in case something goes
wrong. Most of the term is devoted to practising basic bush' survival skills.
In order to validate this course, students have to:
• Create a personal survival kit and learn to use signals
Demonstrate bush survival skills (light a fire, build a natural shelter", identify and collect wild
edibles', make tools and baskets...)
Demonstrate knowledge of river dangers.
wild country 2. abri 3. denrées comestibles
Adapted from
Read about the experience of
this outdoor class.
1 Write a minimum of 3
questions that you would want
to ask the teacher before you
enroll in this class.
2. Would you like to experience
this class? Why or why not?