est là pour vous fournir des réponses précises à toutes vos questions avec l'aide de notre communauté experte. Trouvez des solutions rapides et fiables à vos interrogations grâce à une communauté d'experts dévoués. Découvrez des solutions complètes à vos questions grâce à des professionnels expérimentés sur notre plateforme conviviale.

. Bonjour , voici un exercice de mon Devoir maison . Il faut répondre au question à partir du texte . Voici le texte : Good evening and welcome back to It's your voice! This is Katie's speaking for a special edition of your favorite broadcast! So... this week was our Student Council election and the results have just been delivered. I know you're impatient like I was so let's jump right into it. Our new President here at Southbank International School is a girl, she's standing right next to me in the school corridor. Hello mystery President! BETHANY JORDANS: Hum... Hello everyone! I'm Bethany Jordans and I'm very proud to be your new President! KATIE: Hello Bethany! So we've seen your posters all around the school with your catchy slogan For Success Vote the Best! But can you tell us a little bit more about yourself? B: Oh, my friends call me Beth...hum...well obviously I'm a student here at Southbank... in year 11. I am a member of the book club... you know... I love reading the way, I'm the Vampire Stories specialist! (laugh)...What else... Last year I was the treasurer of the StuCo when Morgan ... K: Morgan Fitzpatrick... B: Yes of course... when he was the President, and I would like to thank him. Morgan, if you're listening, I did it! For Success vote the best! K: Yes Beth... why do you think you've won? B: Well... hum... I think it's because I am the best! (laugh) People know I'm reliable, I was a very helpful member of the Stuco last year. I was at the events committee and I had the great idea to create the Vampire Party. What a success! Morgan and I worked very well together and... I think people felt they could trust me so they made the right choice! And here I am! K: So... what are the first things you'd like to do as the Stuco President? B: First I'd like to put more plants and flower inside the school. I love nature! And I want to create a food committee, to help students eat healthier food. I also... K: Ok! Thank you Beth, I'm sure you'll do great! B: But I haven't finished! K: Sorry but we have to stop here. We'll take time later on to talk about your projects. B: Of course! Now that I'm president, I bet you will interview me at least once a week! K: Sure! Thank you Beth and congratulations for your victory! B: Bye!

Question 1: Give the name and fonction of each speaker

Question 2 : What was the Victorious slogan ?
Question 3: Why dis this student win?

Question 4: What are the président's projects ?

Question 5: What are her 2 passions ?

Question 6: Is she Shy ? Justify

Merci beaucoup !​

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