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ercise - Recopier les phrases et conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit. (* = verbe irrégulier)
1. When...did...... ............... ? He arrived three hours ago.
2. They...................... at the party a few minutes ago. They................ really excited.
3. My sister
to go to high school this morning. She ............ at home.
4. ..................... her yesterday at school. She....................happy. (*see) (seem)
5. You .............. one year abroad. You............... a lot of fun.
(study) (*have)
6. We.............. to her birthday yesterday and we ............... her a gift. (*go) (*give)
7. My baseball in college. He ......... basketball instead.
B. John
the house before the guests .......... They............. impressed.
she... lunch? No, she.
(*eat) (not-*eat)
10. My mother and I
............... shopping last Saturday.
We ................ a movie at home. (not-*go) (watch)
(*hear) (*be)
1. You... a noise in the house. It .............. nothing.
2. When he ................., her heart.
3. He is sad because his team. .................. the game.
4. They
5....... Jamie ........
(*leave) (*break)
(not - *win)
their old car but they ........... a new one. (not-*sell) (*buy)
................a dog? Yes, he.............(*have)
(show up) (not - *be)
(not-want) (stay)
(not-play) (play)
(tidy) (*come) (*be)