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4. My best friend (arrive)
there. I (study).
examination in Italian.
5. John is in the living room working on his computer. At this time yesterday, he (work, also)
on his computer. That's all he ever does!
6. A: I (call)
7. When I (walk)
at my house a little before 9:00 pm, but I (be,
at the library for my final
you last night after dinner, but you (be, not)
there. Where were you? B: I (work)
methods to improve customer service.
8. I (watch)
into the busy office, the secretaries (talk)
on the phone with customers, a clerk (work, busily)
at his desk, and two managers (discuss, quietly).
out at the
a thriller on T.V. when the electricity went out. Now I am
never going to find out how the film ends.
9. Samantha (be)
in the room when Bob (tell)
me what happened, but she didn't hear anything because she (listen, not)
10. It's strange that you (call)
because I (think, just)
about you.
11. The Titanic (cross)
the Atlantic when it (strike)
an iceberg.

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