vous aide à trouver des réponses précises à toutes vos questions grâce à une communauté d'experts chevronnés. Obtenez des réponses détaillées à vos questions de la part d'une communauté dédiée d'experts sur notre plateforme. Posez vos questions et recevez des réponses détaillées de professionnels ayant une vaste expérience dans divers domaines.

Reading Stories of Bullying
Work in pairs. Read these stories and take turns explaining to your partner how you feel
about the situation and what you should do about it: go talk to the victim, go talk to the
bullies, report the incident to the teachers, ask your parents for advice, etc.
Listen to your partner's explanation and say if you agree.
1. There's a new pupil in the class. She
dresses in a way that you find funny. She
doesn't wear jeans. Her clothes are more
formal than the other pupils. X and Y start
pulling at her clothes when they walk past
her and call her "Babyface".
3. A pupil likes history and geography and
does very well in class. But whenever he
puts his hand up, X and Y start booing him
and call him a "teacher's pet". After class,
they beat him up and tell him it's to teach
him how to behave in class.
2. A pupil doesn't talk much with his
schoolmates, he spends break times
reading books and never goes out to
parties; he prefers to stay on his own.
X and Y have stolen his books and torn
them up.
4. X and Y do not understand the teacher's
lesson. So they chat and make noises to
get the teacher's attention. They get a
special assignment as a punishment. At
the end of the class, they stop a classmate
and force her to do their assignment for
Learn as You Wish
Now that you know more about bullying, to organise your knowledge, choose the
method you prefer, A or B. Then explain to your partner what you have understood
about the topic of bullying. You may use the following prompts:
I had never heard of ... but I think.... Did you know that ...? In my opinion, ... is worse
than... don't you think? At the beginning, I thought that ... and now, I know that...
A Fill in the grid below. Some boxes are already filled in to help you.
You will be able to fill in more lines later, after doing the other activities.
gossiping, insulting,
calling names, threatening,
laughing at, mocking
ignoring, excluding
Examples of bullying
Types of bullying
beating up, hitting, slapping, physical bullying.
Suggestions to solve the
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Ⓒéditions Nathan 2016-