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1/First stanza
We want
revolution, young
Intelligent revolution must be African
(First stanza)
2/Second Stanza
Go to school
It will
open up your eyes to the people's situation
Go to school my brother. I said go to school
You will
LYRICS fill in the gaps
people revolution
There is the
brother and learn what they cre
understand very soon all the problems of your nation
4/ Third stanza
In your mind
brother there is the power to change your world
This understanding will help to make a better place .And in your hands brother,
• key
to this continent and if you don't unlock it soon
It will be lost to the government. African revolution must be black people redemption
1/What sort of song is it?
3/What is its message?
4/Do you like listening to this kind (sort) of music? Why?
5/What would you like to change in our country ?/the world? (GW)

SONG BY TIKEN JAH FAKOLY 1First Stanza We Want Revolution Young Intelligent Revolution Must Be African 3Chorus First Stanza 2Second Stanza Go To School It Will class=

Sagot :

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