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Bonjour ou Bonsoir.
J'espère que vous allez tous bien.
Je dois rendre un DM d'anglais pour demain, la consigne étant la suivante :
"Mettre ce texte au temps du prétérit ET AUSSI du past perfect"

In this essay I will write in chronological order the works of art sold most expensive at the auction and also the most striking, I will speak in particular of Andy Warhol’s.

The fourth work recorded at the highest price in an auction is the work of «Silver Car Crash» of 1963 sold for 105.4 Million Dollars in 2013. (double disaster) Screen print by Andy Warhol’s.
The previous work this one is a skull painting from 1982 by Jean Michel Basiquiat sold for $110.5 Million in 2017.(auction record for American artists) Then it is the work of Pablo Picasso «Les femmes d'alger» in 1955 Sold for 179,4 Million Dollars.
To finish the work that occupies the first position is that of Andy Warhol’s named «Shot sage blue marilyn» sold for 170 Million dollars and 195 Million Million with sales expenses. This work was much mediatized by the death of the star 2 years earlier.
This work would go to Thomas and Doris Ammann, which is a foundation based in Zurich, in place of health care and education programs.

Pouvez-vous m'aidez à conjguer ce texte svp ?? ^^
Bonne Journée/Soirée.

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