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2. which of the following have NO issues with word choice?
a) IL-6 does pivotal roles in adjusting the functions of various immune cells and is involved in the
pathogenesis of many autoimmune diseases.
b) To understand the potential mechanisms underlying IL-21-enhanced TLR-mediated cytokine and
chemokine expression in THP-1 cells, we studied IL-21 and TLR2/4-related downstream signaling
c) Depleted oil reserves and surges in greenhouse gas emissions have generated a keen interest in
sustainable energy worldwide.
d) Stattic was shown to selectively inhibit the function of the STAT3 SH2 domain without regarding
the STAT3 activation state in vitro.
3. Which of the editorial revisions of the following sentence are INCORRECT?
a) The pacemaker lead fracture is one of the common causes of the pacemaker malfunction and is
most frequently associated with weight lifting
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