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Voici le texte:
My parents raised me to be gritty', never to complain or take handouts?. I didn't want to have
a victim mentality or be known for being undocumented. But I realized that sharing my story would be
therapeutic, raise awareness, and help other underprivileged people.
I came to America when I was just six years old. My parents grew up poor and risked so much to move
us here with hopes of giving us a better life. My dad is a waiter at a small restaurant, which is enough
to put food on the table and clothes on our backs. We pay taxes, abide by all laws, and don't live on
welfare. As for me, I can't legally work, drive, fly, or have health insurance. I've missed out on numerous
opportunities because of my situation.
Fortunately, I was able to pursue college. Fast forward four years, I have graduated Magna Cum Laude*
in Computer Engineering from Wichita State University. I was at the top of my class, number one in my
major, wrote 2 first-author papers, won research awards, and have a patent pending. Consequently, I was
accepted into graduate school at Columbia University. However, due to my status, I'm unable to obtain
a stipend to continue my education. Receiving DACA would grant me the opportunity to acquire the
funding I need, provide for my family, and master my craft to realize my full potential. [..]
Without DACA. many live in daily fear of deportation. I've had friends whose families were torn apart.
I've seen my friends dig food out of trash cans to help feed their families. These are genuine, everyday
struggles and it's easy to dismiss it because it's not happening to your family. (...] DACA alleviates
some of the fear and provides hope. Many non-Native Americans seem to forget that they, too, have
immigration in their blood. Just like everyone else, we simply want an opportunity to contribute to the
only home that we know. Ironically, I've enjoyed the adversity, I feel alive under pressure. I'm unfazed
and undocumented. I'm not going anywhere.