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Complète ce petit texte sur Nelson Mandela avec be au passé.

Nelson Mandela... (a) (+) born in a small village in South Africa on 18th July 1918. At that time, white people. (b) (+) very powerful and they... (c) (-) ready for democracy. Nelson Mandela... (d) (+) a lawyer, then a political leader. It... (e) (+) important for him to change South Africa. He... () (+) strong and courageous and... (g) (-) afraid. In June 1962 he... (h) (+) arrested by the police for his activities. On 11th February 1990, he (0) (+) free at last. His wife and children... (j) (+) so happy. Four years later, in 1994, he... (k) (+) elected President of South Africa. He() (+) an amazing man.

(faire Les phrase svp) merci​

Sagot :



Réponse :

Nelson Mandela was (a) (+) born in a small village in South Africa on 18th July 1918. At that time, white people were (b) (+) very powerful and they weren't (c) (-) ready for democracy. Nelson Mandela was (d) (+) a lawyer, then a political leader. It was (e) (+) important for him to change South Africa. He was () (+) strong and courageous and wasn't (g) (-) afraid. In June 1962 he was (h) (+) arrested by the police for his activities. On 11th February 1990, he was (0) (+) free at last. His wife and children were (j) (+) so happy. Four years later, in 1994, he was (k) (+) elected President of South Africa. He was () (+) an amazing man.

Explications :

simple past /prétérit BE

He was // wasn't

They were // weeren't

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