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The Day The Ghost Walks
April 1912 - W.E. Johnson
1 - Explain the title of this text. What is actually that ghost which is walking ?
2- W. E. Johnson is a dry person. True or false. Justify.
3- What is the ultimate aim or goal behind this text?
4 - What kind of elections are about to take place ?
5- Find the equivalent of « épicier »>.
6- Find a noun meaning « propriétaire »> or << logeur >>.
7- Is Alice a happy girl on pay day? Does the ghost walk in her family on that day?
8- Compare Little Hortense's and Alice's destinies or fate on pay day.
9- Is Little Hortense's mother confident on pay day? Why? Imagine what could happen to
her on pay day.
10- Find the equivalents of << vaciller »> and << tituber » somewhere in the text.
11 - Imagine what was Little Hortense's father's night like before he came back home.
12 - List here all the expressions or metaphors used in the text to define drunken people.
13 - It was possible for the people to have a glass until 5 in the morning. True or false.
14 - What is the name of the pub in which Little Hortense's father is a patron.
15 - Find the verb meaning << dire des jurons/jurer >>.
16 - Does anyone get badly wounded in this text? Justify.
17 - Find 2 verbal forms in the passive voice.
18 - Does W. E. Johnson contemplate any way out of this awful situation?
19 - Find the noun meaning « l'aube >>.
20 - Find a verb meaning « étouffer »>.
Bonjour, j’ai ce devoir maison à faire à partir du texte ci joint et les questions qui vont avec mais je ne comprends pas. Si quelqu’un qui est bon en anglais peut m’aider, je le remercie d’avance