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The Day The Ghost Walks
April 1912 - W.E. Johnson
1 - Explain the title of this text. What is actually that ghost which is walking ?
2- W. E. Johnson is a dry person. True or false. Justify.
3- What is the ultimate aim or goal behind this text?
4 - What kind of elections are about to take place ?
5- Find the equivalent of « épicier »>.
6- Find a noun meaning « propriétaire »> or << logeur >>.
7- Is Alice a happy girl on pay day? Does the ghost walk in her family on that day?
8- Compare Little Hortense's and Alice's destinies or fate on pay day.
9- Is Little Hortense's mother confident on pay day? Why? Imagine what could happen to
her on pay day.
10- Find the equivalents of << vaciller »> and << tituber » somewhere in the text.
11 - Imagine what was Little Hortense's father's night like before he came back home.
12 - List here all the expressions or metaphors used in the text to define drunken people.
13 - It was possible for the people to have a glass until 5 in the morning. True or false.
14 - What is the name of the pub in which Little Hortense's father is a patron.
15 - Find the verb meaning << dire des jurons/jurer >>.
16 - Does anyone get badly wounded in this text? Justify.
17 - Find 2 verbal forms in the passive voice.
18 - Does W. E. Johnson contemplate any way out of this awful situation?
19 - Find the noun meaning « l'aube >>.
20 - Find a verb meaning « étouffer »>.

Bonjour, j’ai ce devoir maison à faire à partir du texte ci joint et les questions qui vont avec mais je ne comprends pas. Si quelqu’un qui est bon en anglais peut m’aider, je le remercie d’avance

The Day The Ghost Walks April 1912 WE Johnson 1 Explain The Title Of This Text What Is Actually That Ghost Which Is Walking 2 W E Johnson Is A Dry Person True O class=

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