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Bonjour, j'ai réaliser un échange de conversation entre un entrepreneur et un PDG.
Cependant je doute et j'ai peur qu'il y ai des erreurs.
(le plus important est de ce concentrer sur les sujets de l'entrepreneur )
Merci à vous par avance
Bonne journée

Entrepreneur : I'm a linkster contractor in France since two years and I want to propose to create an online consignement store in France to facilitate trade.

PDG : I am very honored that you thought of my Coca Cola company for this project, in fact I am director since non fifteen years.

Entrepreneur :That is to say that, collaboring with you is for me a real challenge that I would like to achieve.

PDG : However, but since 2019 the soda market in France has deteriorated.
Why take on such challenge ?

Entrepreneur : Although it, In two thousand twenty-one, the market of fizzy drinks made a profit of four hundred and ninety seven million and à growth of 7 percent in France

PDG : To illustrate my point, since COVID 19, the turnover of Coca Cola drinks in France has fallen sharply by four percent. An effective negociation implies a Win win collaboration, in fact, situations such as this one shouldn't exist .

Entrepreneur : This is looks disappointing indeed but I think we can get Best results.
From the first month, one third of the price of the warehouse rental Will be at my expense.
Besides, a french person consumes 22L of Coca cola per year.

PDG : as long as see an improvement in the implementation of this project over the next 3 months because I could not continue à no performing contract

Entrepreneur : according to me, a contract that can be terminated before three months is reasonable.

PDG : I'll get my assistant to arrange our next meeting.

Entrepreneur : We'll meet your requirements

PDG : I think we have a deal

Entrepreneur : Thanks for agreeing to meet me, have à Nice day

PDG : See you soon


Sagot :

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