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Artists influence article
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- An artwork that's been particularly important to me is by the artist Adrian Piper. The title of the
work is "Self-Portrait Exaggerating My Negroid Features". And it's from 1981. It's a self-portrait drawn
in pencil. It's had such an importance for so many artists, but it's tiny (= very small). It's only 10-by-
8 inches. [..] The self-portrait that she's drawn in it is as important as the language underneath
(under) that self-portrait. That's been a huge influence on me. The work says it's a self-portrait,
but it's not a self-portrait, because the word 'negroid' is about scientific classifications. And that's
external to the self. It makes us think about how what we think of as a self-portrait is actually a
portrait of the society that we live in. [...]I think Adrian is one of those artists who has made the art
we see today - art that addresses the way society is structured, injustice, racism, sexism, things that
seem normal when one looks at artwork today I think Adrian actually opened up the space to make
those subject matters in art normal. -
The New York Times Style Magazine, by Scott J. Ross. June 18th, 2018

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