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Solar Sidewalk
In 2014 the Netherlands installed the world's first solar bike path. Let's compute the cost of mitigation relative
to electricity from coal. Of course, the sidewalk probably wasn't intended to be a cost-effective electricity
option. It's designed for qualitative rather than quantitative value, to raise awareness. However, there are real
proposals to scale up this kind of technology to large numbers of sidewalks and roadways, so cost analysis is
The project cost $3.75 million for ~30kW of installed capacity (based on typical 150W/m² solar panels).
Assume a CCF of 8%, and a utilization of 12% (probably generous for solar panels flat on the ground in the
Netherlands). You may ignore all other costs.
Part 1. What is the levelized cost of electricity from the solar sidewalk?
$/kWh x

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