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Looking to make a new pal or two in the city ?
Speed friending might be the perfect option for you.
Leaving the confidence of school or university, or moving to a new city often poses problems for people looking
to make new friends as adults. This was a problem Dereck Phelan faced when he moved to Dublin from Kilkenny
for a job. [...] He ended up coming up with his own solution. His idea, speed friending, works much in the same
way as speed-dating does. Each person speaks to one other person at a time, in five-minute intervals. After five
minutes, Phelan rings a bell and everyone swaps partners. It's quick fire, but he feels you get a good sense of
whether you get on with someone else in the time allowed. [...] Now the event usually draws a crowd of about
30 pople each time it runs - typically twice a month.
[...] Most people who come along are in the 25-35 age bracket, and a lot of them are in similar situations. [...]
For anyone feeling a bit lonely or just wanting to meet new people, Phelan says there aren't many downsides to
coming along.
«< People miss face-to-face talking with all the social media, I think. They've nothing to lose. They could spend
the evening sitting on the couch, doing nothing and not meeting anyone or they could just come along, give it a
go and have a good night. >>
Extracted from << You've heard of speed-dating, now it's speed-friending », Aoife Valentine, 15/08/2015
a. Why did Dereck Phelan decide to organise speed friending sessions ?
b. How is a session organised?
c. What is the bell used for ?
d. Who usually comes to these sessions ? Why?
e. What are the advantages of speed friending?

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