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Exercise 2: Associate each beginning with its end. If I was in jail If I was a telephone If I was in pain If I was hungry If I was in darkness • If I was a book you'd sing me soothing songs • you would lead me to the light you'd read me every night • you would feed me you'd spring me you'd ring me all day long ● ​

Sagot :


Bonjour !


If I was in jail you'd spring me

If I was a telephone you'd ring me all day long

If I was in pain you'd sing me soothing songs

If I was hungry you would feed me

If I was in darkness you would lead me to the light

If I was a book you'd read me every night.



Réponse :

 Associate each beginning with its end.

If I was in jail → you'd spring me

( to spring someone : libérer ...)

If I was a telephone → you'd ring me all day long

( to ring : appeler; téléphoner )

If I was in pain → you'd sing me soothing songs

( soothing : apaisantes )

If I was hungry  → you would feed me

( to feed : nourrir )

If I was in darkness →  you would lead me to the light  

( to lead : mener, conduire . light : lumière )

If I was a book → you'd read me every night  

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