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FBI facts
The FBI is more than a 100 years old!
Its goal was, and still is, to conduct
investigations for the Department of Justice.
Secret fact: the Bureau keeps a lot of hair
on file!
Theodore Roosevelt and Charles Bonaparte
were friends and they created the FBI
to fight corruption, help the government
and make sure people respect the law.
The mission of the FBI is to protect
the American people and make sure
the Constitution of the United States is
respected. Its agents are often called G-Men
because they work for the Government.
Its motto is "Fidelity, Bravery,
and Integrity".
Secret fact: the FBI and the government
are allowed to lie in courts for the sake
of "national security"!
The Bureau started with 34 people and
after 7 years, in 1915, 360 men
and women conducted investigations.
They investigated and solved many cases.
Secret fact; they once investigated a song!
The FBI today is very different
from the FBI of the beginnings. Federal
Agents use very high-tech methods. They
profile serial killers to arrest them or use
DNA to catch criminals. Nowadays, the FBI
employs 35,000 people. There are
some special agents, intelligence analysts.
language specialists, scientists,
and information technology specialists.
Secret fact: the FBI didn't go digital until
2012 and still employs people who glue
paper together!