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Duke Frederick stole the throne from his brother, Duke Senior who was then banished. But Duke Senior set up a home with his followers in the Forest of Arden, where they all lived a simple, happy life. Only Senior's daughter, Rosalind, remained at the royal court, where she was best friends with Frederick's daughter, Celia. Frederick took the girls to a wrestling match where Celia and Rosalind talked to the young man competing against the champion, and her heart was captured. The young man won the match, and Frederick had to give him the prize, but when he found out the young man was Orlando, the son of a sworn enemy, Frederick stormed off, taking Celia with him, and banishing Rosalind. Celia did not want to be without Rosalind, though, so the girls ran away to the Forest of Arden in disguise, to ensure their safety Rosalind dressed up as a man and Celia as a shepherdess. In the forest, Rosalind couldn't believe what she found lots of poems were pinned to the trees of the forest. They were love poems written to her by Orlando! -​

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