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Bjr vous pouvez simplifier c'est un exposé en anglais mais c'est assez compliqué et j'aimerai le simplifier.
Mrc d'avance

Hello today we are presenting the state of Washington

Part 1:

-The state of Washington is in the northwest. Washington is bordered by Canada.

-Washington State has an area of one hundred and eighty-four thousand eight hundred and twenty-four (184 824) square kilometers.

-The capital of Washington is Olympia. The climate is an ocean climate is a mild climate.

-The flag of Washington is green with the seal with the portrait of George Washington, it's the unique green flag of states of the united states.

-The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. It was built in thousand seven hundred ninety-two (1792) and opened on the first of November thousand and eight hundred.

Part 2:

-Many places in Washington are not to be missed.
-The space needle, it's a one hundred and eighty-four (184) meter high tower in the shape of a flying saucer where you can look down on the city of Seattle.
-Mount Rainier is a dormant volcano with an altitude of four thousand three hundred and ninety-two meters (4392m).
-The Olympic park of Seattle, this park is famous for its mountain scenery.
-The Pho is a traditional plate of Seattle, it's a meat and rice noodle broth.
-In the northwest, we find some large mammals: black bear, grizzly bear, elk, and deer.

Part 3:
-Nirvana is a very famous American grunge band from Aberdeen, Washington.
-In Washington, the currency is not the euro but the US dollar
-In Washington, there is a lot of American football, baseball, basketball
-The 2002 film "The Circle" was filmed in Washington State

I hope you enjoyed our presentation thanks for your attention

Sagot :

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