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0 SIMPLE PRESENT OR PRESENT BE + ING? CONJUGATE THE FOLLOWING VERBS AT THE CORRECT TENSE 1. What you (talk) about? I don't understand. 2. He often (not write) to his grandparents. 3. Look at her! She (wear) funny trousers today! 4. Every year, he (celebrate) his birthday in town with his friends. 5. She (not work) at the moment. You can interrupt her. 6. He is in the kitchen. He (have) breakfast. 7. Can't you keep quiet, 1 (learn my lesson)! 8. I (go) to the cinema tonight. You (want) to come with me?

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Sagot :

a) What are you talking about ? I don’t understand

b) He often writes to his grandparents

c) Look at her she’s wearing funny trousers today!

d) Every year, he celebrates his birthday in town with his friends

e) She’s not working at the moment

f) he’s having a breakfast

g) I’m learning my lesson

h) I’m going to the cinema tonight

I) You wants to go with me ?
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