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Can anyone help me please
Exercice 1)
Answer the following questions:
1) In your opinion wich visitor had the best guess as to what the painting represented ?
2) How would you describe Miss Culture?
3) why do you think the curator decided to exhibit the painting?
4) Give 5 adjectives from the passage

Can Anyone Help Me Please Exercice 1 Answer The Following Questions1 In Your Opinion Wich Visitor Had The Best Guess As To What The Painting Represented 2 How W class=

Sagot :



Answer the following questions =>

1) In your opinion wich visitor had the best guess as to what the painting represented ?

In my opinion James had the best guess.

(Explications => Missy thinks it's drawn by a famous artist and Miss Cuture says that it's a masterpiece by an artist who wishes to stay anonymous and that he is looking back at an exciting life time)

2) How would you describe Miss Culture?

Miss Culture is meant to be a local art critic. She thinks to be the best person to make an announcement but she's way off the mark. (= à côté de la plaque). She's sure that it's a masterpiece by an artist who decided to be anonymous.... voir au-dessus en italiques....)

3) Why do you think the curator decided to exhibit the painting?

I think he just wanted to make a huge joke to teach them some  self-derision without making really fun of them.

(je pense qu'il a voulu leur faire une énorme plaisanterie pour leur apprendre un peu d'auto-dérision sans vraiment vouloir se moquer d'eux)

4) Give 5 adjectives from the passage









Bonne fin de soirée☺☺☺

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