prétérit simple ou continu
prétérit simple => pour une action datée, passée, terminée
prétérit continu(be au prétérit + BV -ing) =>pour une action passée qui était en cours.
Lorsque les 2 sont dans la même phrase, le verbe au prétérit simple parle d'une action soudaine apparue pendant que quelque chose d'autre était "en train" de se passer.
1- Last Sunday, I stayed at home. I didn't want to go out.
2- Did they spend all their time watching TV ?
3- When did you see her?
4- When she arrived, the children were preparing a Mexican meal.
5- She didn't come, but there were a lot of our friends at John's party.
6-Yesterday, my mother called the doctor because my sister was ill.
7- What did you give your mother for her birthday last year ? They were waiting for the boat when I met them.
8- She met him two weeks ago.
9- Last night, I was reading a book in bed when I heard a big noise.
10- She had some problems in Peru because she spoke no Spanish.
11- There were no chairs so they sat on the floor.
12- They met two Americans who didn't know the country very well.
formes interrogatives et négatives
Au présent simple, on utilise l'auxiliaire"do"
Au prétérit simple, on utilise le prétérit de cet auxiliaire => did
interrogation =>
(mot interrogatif) + did + sujet + Base Verbale + ?
sujet + did + not + Base Verbale. (contraction = didn't)
je te rappelle que la Base Verbale = infinitif sans "to"
bonne journée ☺☺☺