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story that ends with And we fought untill the last drop of our blood​

Sagot :

Heather was teasing me since elementary school. She is always rude and violent to me, she hate me for being chubby. I tried to ignore her for long but now she is going to far. This morning when I opened my locker, I was about to throw up. There was a dead rat above my notebook. I was so shocked that a cry almost escaped my mouth. I told a teacher about that but unfortunately she thinks that I put a dead rat into my locker for fun. I was so surprised, was she serious ? The answer is yes. I was summoned to the principal, and I was grounded by my parents. Everyone thought that I did this but I knew who was the real guilty, Heather ! That night I sneaked out and ran to Heather house. I had the number of Heather, thanks to an old homework when we were unfortunately together. I called her and told her to come out now. After ten minutes Heather appeared in front of the door:

«-What do you want chubby girl ?

- That was you ? Don't lie Heather !

-Oh you're talking about my gift ! I killed it myself, don't be jealous Mia !

-You're so gross, omg !

-Just follow me.»

I followed her into a dark forest, that was a very bad idea ! I don't even know why I did that. In the center of the woods, Heather violently pushed me on the ground, and pulled out a knife from her pocket. I was afraid, that girl was so crazy that I knew she would capable of anything. I tried to run away but I was just a chubby girl with asthma. I didn't even go five meters that she had already caught up with me. I chose to fight her:

«- Are you really gonna kill me ?

-No don't worry I just gonna sit here and let you run away.


«-You are crazy !»

She came closer and grabbed my wrists but I head-butted her. And pushed her with all my forces. I took a sharp tree branch and stab her in her legs. She started to try to stab me with her knife. Heather was cutting my skin when I was tearing her hair out. She was ready to kill but I wouldn't let her did that. The forest was getting darker and we fought until the last drop of our blood.
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