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Sagot :
during my holidays my cousin gave me French lessons for a month then after I went to a residence called the green chains with my dad and my Tonton the journey was not very long it lasted 2 hours once arrived we got rid of our things and we went shopping with dad I stayed a week and it was great I made 6 friends they are nice but very dynamic I bathed and I went to eat at the restaurant On Thursday we went to golden island to see a big big cousin we ate in her restaurant then after eating we came back because it was raining and the last day we had a big party it was funny and I loved it with my friends then we left to go home dad went back to work and I went back to French lessons a few weeks later we celebrated my dad's birthday and also my cousin's birthday it was good because we were all present p For the two birthdays during my holidays my cousin gave me French lessons for a month then after I went to a residence called the green chains with my dad and my Tonton the journey was not very long it lasted 2 hours once we arrived we got rid of our things and we went shopping with dad I stayed a week and it was great I made 6 friends they are nice but very dynamic I bathed and I went to eat at the restaurant On Thursday we went to the golden island to see a big big cousin we ate in her restaurant then after eating we came back because it was raining and the last day we had a big party it was funny and I I spent time with my friends then we left to go home dad went back to work and I went back to French lessons a few weeks later we celebrated my dad's birthday and also my cousin's birthday it was good because we were all present for the two birthdays
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