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pendant mes vacances ma cousine m'a donné des cours de français pendant un mois puis après je suis allé dans une résidence qui s'appelle les chaînes verts avec mon papa et mon Tonton le trajet était pas très long il a duré 2h une fois arrivé nous nous avons débarrassé nos affaires et nous sommes partis faire les courses avec papa je suis resté une semaine et c'était super je me suis fait 6 copains ils sont gentils mais très dynamiques je me suis baigné et je me allé manger au restaurant Le jeudi nous sommes allés à l'île doree pour voir une grande grande cousine nous avons mangé dans son restaurant puis après manger nous sommes rentrés car il pleuvait et le dernier jour on a fait une grande fête c'était marrant et j'ai dence avec mes copains ensuite nous sommes repartis pour rentrer chez nous papa est reparti travailler et j'ai repris les cours de français quelques semaines plus tard on a fêté l'anniversaire de mon papa et aussi de ma cousine c’etait bien car nous étions tous présent pour les deux anniversaires e​

Sagot :


during my holidays my cousin gave me French lessons for a month then after I went to a residence called the green chains with my dad and my Tonton the journey was not very long it lasted 2 hours once arrived we got rid of our things and we went shopping with dad I stayed a week and it was great I made 6 friends they are nice but very dynamic I bathed and I went to eat at the restaurant On Thursday we went to golden island to see a big big cousin we ate in her restaurant then after eating we came back because it was raining and the last day we had a big party it was funny and I loved it with my friends then we left to go home dad went back to work and I went back to French lessons a few weeks later we celebrated my dad's birthday and also my cousin's birthday it was good because we were all present p For the two birthdays during my holidays my cousin gave me French lessons for a month then after I went to a residence called the green chains with my dad and my Tonton the journey was not very long it lasted 2 hours once we arrived we got rid of our things and we went shopping with dad I stayed a week and it was great I made 6 friends they are nice but very dynamic I bathed and I went to eat at the restaurant On Thursday we went to the golden island to see a big big cousin we ate in her restaurant then after eating we came back because it was raining and the last day we had a big party it was funny and I I spent time with my friends then we left to go home dad went back to work and I went back to French lessons a few weeks later we celebrated my dad's birthday and also my cousin's birthday it was good because we were all present for the two birthdays

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