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Writing task

Answer to the following question. 150 words

Is the use of elements from the Maori culture, nowadays, an homage or is it just a
trend? (use precise examples)

Sagot :


it could probably be a trend


the element are a beat different but if u google it u will probably find a better answer than the one I am posting here bruh


It's not a trend , it's a tribute to the cultures


Maori culture is omnipresent in New Zealand, especially on the North Island. Traditional songs and dances, the Maori language and the history of the Maori people are central to New Zealand's identity.

Visitors experience Maori culture through activities such as the haka (war dance), or a marae tour with a traditional Maori welcome, including a cultural performance followed by a delicious hangi (Maori banquet), baked in an earthen oven.

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