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3) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues:

1- Teacher : why didn't you do your homework?

Ali: .........

Teacher: where did you lose it?

Teacher: Did you ask the librarian about it? Ali: yes, I did but he said that..........

Teacher: you can buy a new on.................

Ali: yes, of course. I'll do it tomorrow. Teacher: you.........

Sagot :



Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues:

1- Teacher : Why didn't you do your homework?

Ali:  Sorry Sir, but I have lost my  book.

Teacher: Where did you lose it?

Teacher: Did you ask the librarian about it?

Ali: Yes, I did but he said that he didn't see it.

Teacher: You can buy a new one by the end of the day.

Ali:  Yes, of course. I'll do it tomorrow.

Teacher: You should be more careful with your  school bag.


bonne soirée ☺☺☺