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S 1 Colorie le bon mot. a. In the kitchen, there is) are a bottle of soap. b. In the living-room, there is a (an) tube of hand cream_ baby wipes. c. In the toilet, there are the d. In the bathroom, there is are) a bottle of shampoo, of soap and a tube of toothpaste. e. In my bedroom, there is a the bed I sleep in. S 1 Colorie le bon mot . a . In the kitchen , there is ) are a bottle of soap . b . In the living - room , there is a ( an ) tube of hand cream_ baby wipes . c . In the toilet , there are the d . In the bathroom , there is are ) a bottle of shampoo , of soap and a tube of toothpaste . e . In my bedroom , there is a the bed I sleep in .​

Sagot :


S'il te plaît, pense à la politesse, ce serait plus agréable ! Et fais attention à la lisibilité de ta question (retours à la ligne par exemple), sinon on risquera de supprimer ton devoir.

a. In the kitchen, there is a bottle of soap.

b. In the living-room, there is a tube of hand cream baby wipes.

c. In the toilet, there are the....... ??

d. In the bathroom, there is a bottle of shampoo, of soap and a tube of toothpaste.

e. In my bedroom, there is the bed I sleep in.

Nous n'avons pas la fin de la c)

Bonne journée.

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