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Repeat after me ! YOUR ENGLISH TEACHER IS... the best teacher in the world, CO • the most handsome man in the city, . the smartest guy in the neighbourhood, • the most incredible being you have ever seen, . the kindest teacher you have ever had, • the most perfect creature God has ever made, • the most modest person you have ever known.
This teacher is not realistic at all I Your mission is to write the truth: say the contrary using superlatives. Enjoy!
My English teacher is...
Now, make your own sentences with superlatives using the following adjectives and why not others... My English teacher is... awkward, absent-minded, bald, short-sighted 1.

Sagot :


Réponse :

My English teacher is...

1. the worst teacher in the world

2. the most ugly man in the city

3. the silly guy in the neighbourhood

4. the less incredible being you have ever seen

5.  the nasty teacher you have ever had

6. the most imperfect creature god has ever made

7.  the most proud person you have ever known

2.  more often late than the sncf

3. the one who does the most complicated evaluation

4. like an FBI agent, always meddling in everything

5. wants to become as famous as shakira

6.​ hate chocolate made by MILKA

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