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Bonjour, est-ce que vous pouvez m’aider je ne comprend pas du tout.. EE: Imagine you're his doctor, write a report about the man.
• Describe your patient (physical appearance, clothes) and his place (
where he is)
• Write sentences with too much (1) / too many (1)/ less (1) / fewer (1)
•Write what he should (2) and shouldn't (2) do (use instead of + in
order to)
• Make suggestions (2)
• Write a conclusion about him ( the name given to such people)
• Do you like this comic art figurine ? Why? Why not?
•Why is it comic ?

Bonjour Estce Que Vous Pouvez Maider Je Ne Comprend Pas Du Tout EE Imagine Youre His Doctor Write A Report About The Man Describe Your Patient Physical Appearan class=

Sagot :


Salut ! jʼespére que mes réponses seront utiles et suffisants 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ


.This patient is very big . He eats lots of food that can be dangerous for his health .His clothes are small because of his big stomach .Heʼs setting on a confortable sofa and drink cola .In front of him , there are too much food and fuzzy drinks.He should eat as less as food to be more sympathique.

He should first eat fruits and vegetables to have vitamins and protines .Second ,he should stop eating fast food because thatʼs dangerous for health and physical appearance.

Bonus : 1 _Yes ,I do .Because it present a funny person and also make me know that fast food and fuzzy drinks and all types of dangerous food can cause many big problems .

2 _ Because it presents a funny person .

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