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Write a story that begins , Tim felt angry as he got of the train

Sagot :

Réponse :

Tim felt angry as he got of the train. Why did his mum have to send him to his old aunt's house, and not someone else's house? His aunt was named Hilda Grant, and she was old and grouchy. She always kissed timed with her sloppy lips, and then Tim felt like throwing up, but he always just wiped of the sloppy kiss with his sleeve. His mother had been very upset because her mum, Tim's grandma, had passed away after four months in the hospital. Tim's mum decided she needed a break, so she left to go to the sea all by herself. So, she sent her twins to her old sisters house. The twins were Tim, and Diana. Aunt Hilda prefered Diana, so she made Tim work while her and Diana would sit down with a cup of tea in front of the television.

As Tim walked off from the train, he remembered his suitcase. He had forgot it in the train! It was too late, the train had left, and he was to slow, he couldn't catch up with it. He sat down on the sidewalk, and the, he saw his aunt. Aunt Hilda was walking towards him. "Where's Diana" she snapped after giving Tim a sloppy kiss on his cheek. That's when Tim realised he had forgot Diana in the train too...

The End

Explications :

Voila ! C'est l'histoire d'un garçon qui s'appelle Tim, et qui doit rester chez sa tante pendant que sa mère se reposait à la plage. Il est énervé en sortant du train, car il ne veut pas aller chez sa tante car elle préfère sa sœur. Après, il se rend conte qu'il a oublié sa valise dans le train, mais c'est trop tard. Puis sa tante vient pour le récupérer, et c'est là quand il se rappelle qu'il a aussi oublié sa soeur dans le train.

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