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Bonsoir est ce que vous pouvez m'aider svp ?

En binômes, l'un joue le rôle de l'intervieweur et l'autre celui de l'interviewé. Avant de commencer, décidez de la nature de l'emploi. L'intervieweur doit prévoir des questions à poser et le candidat doit réfléchir à ses compétences et capacités. Jouez la scène. Soyez polis !​

Sagot :

Bonsoir ! Je te propose une interview d’un survivant du Titanic.

I = Interviewer
/ = Victime

I - Hello
/ - Hello, are you the interviewer ?
I - Yes I am, are you Ready for the interview ?
/ - Yes, give me 5 seconds please.
I - No problem.

I - Is it the first time you have answered questions about your story ?
/ - Yes it’s the first time.
I - Do you have anything to add before starting ?
/ - No, nothing.
I - So, can you introduce yourself ?
/ - My name is Bessie Daniels, I was born on november 14.
I - Were you in first class or third class and why did you want to travel abord the Titanic ?
/ - I was in first class because I was on holidays with my family and I wanted to go back to New York in my hometown.
I - Now, can you speak about the day of the accident ?
/ - It was a day like any other, I enjoyed activities like the heated swimming pool, the gym, I even played a game of chess with Benjamin Guggenheim. To finish this beautiful and pleasent day, I was going to a restaurant with my family and my friends.
I - Now can you speak about the accident ?
/ - That day after eating, I went to bed. It was around 10pm. At 10:45pm the crew members took the intercom and asked us to put on the lifebelts. As the boat musiciens continued to play, the crew members told us that there were lifeboats available. This is when we understood that we are sinking due to thé water that begins to the enter in the boat. So me, my son and my husband approached the boats. And we heard everyone say « Women and Children first » was scary. Not wanting to leave my husband, I started crying but my husband forced me to leave with our son.
… After that day I never saw him again.
I’m sorry but stop, I can’t speak, I am so sad now…

Je te laisse imaginer la suite ! Bonne soirée
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