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Bonjour, pouvez vous m'aider ?

Complete the following sentences with the right hypothetical structure.

If we go to Long Beach , we ………...( see) the beach attractions.
Karen ………………………(come) if you invited her to the beach party.
My son will be allowed to go surfing with his friends if he ………………..(pass) his exam.
He ………….(buy) a VW Combi if he had the money.
If it rains, I ………………….( not go) surfing in Santa Cruz.

Sagot :


1) if we go to long beach we will see the beach attractions

2) Karen will come if you invited her to the beach party

3) my son will be allowed to go surfing with his friends if he pass his exam

4) he will buy a VW combi if he had the money

5) if it rains, I will not go surfing in Santa Cruz

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