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Serait-il possible de me traduire ce texte en anglais sans google traduction, c’est pour demain svp.

Cette scène s’est passé il y a deux semaines c’était sur la plage de Lock Ness. Le monstre se nomme Nessie.

Il y a deux semaines, je suis partie avec ma famille à la plage pour se baigner, profiter ainsi que bronzer. Nous étions arrivés vers quinze heure, mon père m’a proposer d’aller se baigner car nous avions très chaud. Une fois que nous étions dans l’eau, on a beaucoup rigoler mais on ne s’etait même pas rendu compte qu’on étais très loin du bord. Nous n’avions même plus pieds et là nous avons sentis des choses toucher nos pieds… Et là nous avions vu LE MONSTRE qui commençais à essayer de nous attraper. On a tenter de partir mais au moment où je sors de l’eau, je n’avais plus mon bas de maillot de bain et j’ai vite compris qu’il me l’avais enlever donc tous le monde de la plage s’est moquer de moi… Ensuite j’ai été raconter l’histoire à ma maman, elle a beaucoup rigoler. Sauf que moi je pleurais…

Sagot :

Réponse :

This scene happened two weeks ago on Lock Ness Beach. The monster is called Nessie.

Two weeks ago, I went with my family to the beach to swim, enjoy and sunbathe. We had arrived around fifteen o'clock, my father offered me to go swimming because we were very hot. Once we were in the water, we laughed a lot but we didn’t even realize that we were very far from the edge. We didn’t even have feet anymore and there we felt things touching our feet… And then we saw THE MONSTER trying to catch us. We tried to leave but by the time I got out of the water, I didn’t have my swimsuit stockings and I quickly understood that he had taken them away from me so everyone from the beach laughed at me… Then I went to tell the story to my mom, she laughed a lot. Except I was crying…

Réponse :

Two weeks ago, I went with my family to the beach to swim, enjoy and sunbathe. We arrived around three o'clock, my father suggested that we go swimming because we were very hot. Once we were in the water, we laughed a lot but we didn't even realize that we were very far from the edge. We didn't even have our feet anymore and there we felt things touch our feet... And there we saw THE MONSTER starting to try to catch us. We tried to leave but when I got out of the water, I no longer had my swimsuit bottoms and I quickly realized that he had taken them off, so everyone on the beach went is making fun of me… Then I went to tell the story to my mum, she laughed a lot. But I was crying...

Explications :

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