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Bonjour, j ai un devoir d'anglais a rendre pour demain

Pouvez vous m'aider :

il s'agit de recopier les phrases en insérant un mot de liaison (essayer d'en utiliser le plus possible) et modifiant si nécessaire la structure des phrases, leur ordre éventuellement


instead of (=au lieu de)

so that (=afin que, afin de)

even if – although [OPPOSITION]

so - therefore – as a result – as a consequence [CONSEQUENCE]

because – since – as – given that [CAUSE]

1. the construction industry collapsed in Florida — unemployment has dramatically risen

2. 16 million kids live in poverty — unemployment is very high in Central Florida

3. the Metzgers eat out of cans — there is no cooker in the truck

4. Arielle and Austin don’t complain — they work hard at school to achieve their

American Dream

5. they lost their home — they bought a truck on ‘Craigslist’

6. Austin doesn’t want the kids at school to know they are homeless — Austin is


7. Jade’s family repainted the motel rooms — they could stay in one of the motel’s rooms

8. Arielle is living in a truck — she plans to be a child defense lawyer

9. Arielle and Austin get cleaned up at gas stations — they can’t get cleaned up in the truck

10.Arielle and Austin go to different gas stations every day – the manager doesn’t complain

11. their mum died when they were young — they keep their spirits up

12.Arielle and Austin go to the library every day – they can use computers and do their homework

Merci de votre aide

Sagot :


1.therefore, as a result,



4.even if therefore

6.given that that

9.because that


voila de rien