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South Africa is situated in the southermost of african continent.Its official name is: Republic of South Africa.

Henri the navigator, Prince of portugal was the initiator of th first forwardings around Africa which began in 1434 and led to the doubling of the Cape of Good Hope by Bartolomieu Dias in 1488 and the discovery of the road of spices(Indian ocean) by Vasco de Gama.Portuguese establishesed counters and were followed by French, Dutchmen and English.

Often called the"Rainbow Nation" with a flag with six colors, the Republic of South Africa covers 1 219 090 sq km , that is to say twice and half France.It's limited to the North by Namibia, Bostwana, Zmbabwe,Mozambique and Swaziland.It's boarded on 3000 km by two oceans:to the East by the indian Ocean, to the West by the Atlantic ocean.It lies on nearly 2000km from North to South. in the South Eastern quarter of the territory is the wedged kingdom of Lesotho.

South Africa has three major geographical regions: plates, mountains and the coast belt.A large and vast plate covers the two third of the country;it's raised on its edges in a large sharp escapment which separate the plate from narrow coast-plains and forms in South East the mountainous chain of Drakensgergthat can rich tops of 3000m , but its highest point: Thabana LN Lenayana(3482m) is at Lesotho. The South African plate drops constituting basins and opens on th Kalahari Desert and the Namib Desert and on the low plate where runs out the Orange River and other rivers.

To th East and the South the plate drops towards the Indian Ocean and finishes along the Eastern coast by a belt of hills dominating a low plain.In the South is the vast plate of Large Karoo and more in the South the Small Karoo situate at the East of the Cape.

In the same aera of the Cape , the montainous chain of Swartberg and Landberg are intercarlated between aroo and the Large Escarpment .More in the south is the Mountain of the table and at the end is the Cape of Good Hope.Two mainly rivers(the Orange River and the limpopo River runs across the country. However the most of the plate lacks surface water.

Poor savanna(bushveld) dominate over a vegetation which can be moderated or tropical according to the altitude.The great richess of the floral inheritance is higherthan those of Amazonie.

The lanscape is attractive for tourism with Drakensberg, the Kalahari Desert, the Namib DesertnLarge Karoo and th Small Karoo, the Montain of tthe Table and the Cape of Good Hope

.There are also Nature Parks where tourists can participe to safari photos where they can see elephants, lions, giraffes, antelopes,hippopotames and so on...They canalso see all sort of birds( ostriches..) and wonderfull floral inheritance. There are also Private game Reserves and National game Reserves; they can use vehicules( 4x4), horses, camels or simply walking witn an armed ranger.Ther are also spotwaters, fishing adventure games and Wine Routes (the best of whith is the Stellenberg Wine Route).

Climat: South Africa climat is usually sunny and pleasant; winter are usually mild even if there is snow in the mountains of the Cape and Natal.

The country is very rich with all sorts of minerals lie gold, diamonds, platine, chroma...There are a lot of rich mines in the Transvald.

Population45454 211 with all sorts of ethnieslike Zulu, Affricaners,Indians, Mongrels...

Administrative capitale ;Pretoria (2 millions), legislative capital: Cape Town( 2,8 million).

languages: the official languages are Affricaans English,isiXhosa, isizulu Sepedi, Sesotho Setswana...

Religions: Most inhabitants are christian , but there are all sorts of churches: Afrikaner Calvinist Churches,African Independant Churches; thre are also hindu ,Muslim and jewish communities...

Time shift; one hour more than in France in summer, the same hour in winter

South Africa is divised in 9 regions; the western Cape, the Eastern Cape, the northern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal,the Free State,the Northern West Province ,Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Gauteng.

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