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What's a Clique?
Friendship is an important part of kids' development. Having friends helps them be
independent beyond the family and prepares them for the mutual, trusting relationships we hope
they'll establish as adults.
Groups of friends are different from cliques in some important ways.
Members of the clique usually follow the leader's rules, whether it's wearing particular
clothes or doing certain activities. Cliques usually involve lots of rules implied or clearly stated
and intense pressure to follow them.
Kids may be pressured to take risks like steal, pull pranks, or bully other kids in order to
stay in the clique. Kids also can be pressured into buying expensive clothing [...].
[...] Cliques can cause long-lasting trouble when:
kids behave in a way they feel conflicted about or know is wrong in order to please a leader
and stay in the group
a group becomes an antisocial clique or a gang that has unhealthy rules, such as weight loss
or bullying others based on looks, disabilities, race, or ethnicity
a child is rejected by a group and feels ostracized and alone