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Sagot :
UE has been developing since 1952 with the european coal and steel community.
In 1957 was the beginning of the integration process of UE with the EEC ( Europe economic community between France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands)
In 1968 all the community of EEC agree to fix the same tax of products circulation between them
1992 was the creation of UE with 3 conditions:
- free circulation of people
-free circulation of capital
-free circulation of business
1999-2002 : creation of Euro Zone in 11 states of Europe and the beginning circulation of euro money in Europe
UE has been developing since 1952 with the european coal and steel community.
In 1957 was the beginning of the integration process of UE with the EEC ( Europe economic community between France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands)
In 1968 all the community of EEC agree to fix the same tax of products circulation between them
1992 was the creation of UE with 3 conditions:
- free circulation of people
-free circulation of capital
-free circulation of business
1999-2002 : creation of Euro Zone in 11 states of Europe and the beginning circulation of euro money in Europe
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