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Bonjour pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait :

There are things that Jeff Bloom does (hardly ever). He travels by plane (rarely),
because flying frightens him. He eats fish (seldom), because he’s ill after he’s eaten it
(often).He has a bath (never), because he believes water is bad for the skin. He hates
rain. Jeff stays inside (nearly always) when it rains. Yesterday he was in his garden
when suddenly it started to rain. He was furious. His neighbour told him that rain was
good for the plants in his garden. It made them grow.” Well, I’m not a plant ”Jeff said.
”And I stopped growing a long time ago.”

1. Make whole sentences with the adverb into brackets and rewrite the text

Sagot :



Les adverbes de fréquence :

- se placent avant le verbe

-  après le verbe "be"

Réponse :

There are things that Jeff Bloom hardly ever does  He rarely travels by plane ,because flying frightens him. He seldom eats fish , because he’s often  ill after he’s eaten it. He never has a bath, because he believes water is bad for the skin. He hates rain. Jeff nearly always stays inside  when it rains.

Yesterday he was in his garden when suddenly it started to rain. He was furious. His neighbour told him that rain was good for the plants in his garden. It made them grow.” Well, I’m not a plant ”Jeff said.”And I stopped growing a long time ago.”

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