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Sagot :

Kathryn Jones' portrait

This is the portrait of an old woman with short wavy hair, a nice smile, and glasses. She was born of the thord of May, in 1929. She married Richard in 1948 when she was nineteen years old. After that, she had a girl named Lucy who was born one year after her parent's wedding. Two years later, Kathryn Jonees gave birth to Bob in 1951. This was there second child and their first boy. In 2001, Kathryn Jones' husban, Richard dies. By this time, Kathryn Jones is already seventy-two years old. She loves sewing very much. She also likes films, and baking deserts, and especially cakes, but sewing is definitely her favorite. She absolutly hates baseball. Kathryn Jones is an extremely honest person, and would never, never tell a lie. She is hard working, but not as much as she could actually be. Kathryn Jones' is just simply kind. She is very strict, though, but kind. Kathryn Jones' is the kind of person who is quite messy, and doesn't care about  her styles either. Today, she is 93, and by now, her hair is quite grey and wavy. She is also quite plump and round, and quite short, her family never was really tall anyway. She has very bad eye-sight, and always has hade since she was a young girl. Because of this, she always wears glasses, exept at night time, of course !

Voila, j'éspère que je t'ai aidé. J'ai plutôt écrie un biographie, mais ça devrai être bon. ;)