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Bonjour y a t’il des faute dans ce txt merci de me répondre au plus vite

This document is a pub for the Eurostar. In the top, we can read a catchphrase in French (Devenez complètement Fish & Chips), a slogan (Attrapez le London Virus) and a price (88€) on a yellow tag. In the bottom-left-hand corner there is the blue and yellow logo of Eurostar. In the middle, we can see a young woman in profile. She have got a long black hair and big brown eyes. She wears a beige coat and a yellow jumper. The collar of her jumper looks like chips. The woman looks like a fish with his pony tail and her protruding eyes. She looks like making bubbles like a fish in water. I like this ad beaucguse I think it is funny.​

Sagot :

This document REPRESENTS AN ADVERTISEMENT OF the Eurostar. In the top, THERE’S a catchphrase in French (Devenez complètement Fish & Chips), THE slogan (attrapez le London Virus) and the TICKET’S PRICE (si c le cas) written on a yellow PRICE tag. In the BOTTOM, there’s the logo of Eurostar WHOSE MAIN COLORS ARE BLUE AND YELLOW. In the middle, THERE’S a BLACK HAIRED AND BROWN EYED woman WEARING A BEIGE COAT AND A YELLOW JUMPER WHOSE COLLAR LOOKS LIKE CHIPS. SHE looks like a fish with HER pony tail and her BULBOUS eyes. She looks like making bubbles JUST like a fish. I FIND THIS ADVERTISEMENT ENTERTAINING AND FUNNY AND THAT’S WHY I REALLY LIKE IT.

Voilà, j’espère que ça t’aide

Bonne journée :)
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